Terms & Conditions

Website conditions


This website is operated by MyComm. By accessing, using, browsing or booking on this website you agree you have read, understood and are bound by these Website Conditions. Nothing on this website shall constitute an offer to provide goods or services. Any travel arrangements or other service you purchase via this website will constitute a legal and binding contract between you and MyComm China only when MyComm China have confirmed in writing or by e-mail their acceptance of your booking/purchase request, and such contract will be subject to their booking conditions and relevant information contained within these Website Conditions. The travel arrangements and other services on this website are only available for purchase by those who are aged 18 or over. MyComm China is a company incorporated in France and our business and the services we offer are governed by the applicable laws of France. This website is for use by members of the public only to make travel bookings. No warranties and/or representations of any kind, express or implied, are given as to the compliance of the information shown on this site, the services offered, or any information relating to such services and our business in any respect with any laws of any country other than the laws of France. Access to this site is conditional on your agreement that all information contained in it and all matters which arise between you and us will be governed by French and Chinese law. We reserve the right to deny access to this site at any time without notice. Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, we are entitled to the benefit of any applicable exclusions and/or limitations of liability permitted by the laws of any country found to be applicable to the information shown on this site and/or to any services offered via this website. Our registered company details are as follows: MyComm 52 rue Carves 92120 Montrouge RCS NANTERRE B 510 368 400.

Your obligations when using this website


When you use this website you agree to be bound by the following obligations:
● You warrant that all information you provide about yourself or anyone else is true and accurate.
● You will not use this site for speculative, false or fraudulent bookings.
● You will not use this site to transmit threatening, defamatory, pornographic, political, or racist material or any material that is otherwise unlawful.
● You will not modify, copy, transmit, distribute, sell, display, license or reproduce this site or any of its content in any way, except that one copy of any information contained within this site that is relevant to you or your booking may be made for personal, non-commercial use.
● Access to this website is free and you access and use it entirely at your own risk. This site is provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. We accept no liability in respect of your inability to access or use the site at any time, nor for any failure to complete any transaction. We do not warrant that the site is free from computer viruses or other properties that may cause loss or damage. We do not accept any liability for any losses or claims arising from the downloading of viruses, or from the loss, corruption or other adverse effects to material that is downloaded or to any programs or data already on your own computer, nor for any website browser incompatibility problems. We accept no liability for breaches of security arising out of intentional and/or unauthorised attempts to access this site, for example, by computer hackers. We accept no responsibility for any material supplied for this site by independent contributors. The inclusion of any links on this site does not imply that we endorse or accept any responsibility for the linked site, its content or its provider. Access to a linked site will be subject to that site’s own terms and conditions, to which you must refer.

Accuracy of information on our website


We may change any of the content of this website at any time without notice and without liability to you, including adding or removing discounts, offers, products, or other features or services. We take all reasonable steps to ensure that all information on this website is accurate but cannot guarantee that this website is free of any errors. The rating shown on this site for accommodation may be different from the official local rating, and is intended only as a guide for comparison purposes. Where we use video footage on this site, we endeavour to keep it as up-to-date as possible, but we accept no liability for any changes which may occur between the time of filming and the time you come to view the footage. The images and other information contained on this site do not form part of any holiday contract which you may subsequently enter into. No guarantee is given that any of the facilities or services featured in the video footage will be available when you travel. Certain services and facilities advertised as part of the arrangements we sell may be withdrawn at any time or may only be provided if you pay an additional charge. Specific facilities and services should be checked at time of booking.

Intellectual Property Rights


We reserve the copyright and all proprietary rights in this website and all its content. All intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, copyright and rights in and to databases and trade marks) subsisting in this site and its content, and in the software and source materials used in connection with it, are owned by MyComm and MyComm China or by our parent or affiliate companies. The names “MyComm” and “MyComm China” and any other trading names, marks, logos and graphics displayed on this web site are registered trademarks. Other company and product or service names displayed on this site may be the trademarks of their respective owners. You are not granted any right or licence to use any of the trading names, marks, logos or graphics displayed on this site. This site and any part of its content may not be modified, copied, transmitted, distributed, sold, displayed, licensed or reproduced in any way by you, except that one copy of the information contained within the site may be made for personal, non-commercial use. We reserve the right to change or update these website conditions from time to time without prior notice to site users. The current version of the website conditions will be displayed on this website from the date on which any changes come into effect. Continued use of this web site following any changes to the conditions of use shall constitute your acceptance of such changes.


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项目经理 (中国区)

电话 : +33 (0)1 80 87 46 49
邮箱 : xlian@mycommchina.com